Sunday, April 6, 2008


Factual errors: The Stars and Stripes flag hanging vertically on the wall of the US military hangar is the wrong way round. The stars field should be on the upper left, not the upper right.

  • Continuity: When the three men are torturing Memphis they shove water down his throat but when they pull it away the bottle is full.

  • Continuity: When Swagger backs the car into the river, the trunk is open and you can see that there is no upholstery and it is empty. While in the car wash we see there are miscellaneous items and upholstery in the trunk.

  • Continuity: When Memphis is being tortured, there is a considerable amount of blood around his mouth and teeth where he has been repeatedly hit, however when Swagger arrives to rescue him, his mouth and teeth show no signs of any injury -- in fact, his teeth are pearly white!

  • Continuity: At the start of the film when both snipers are first seen watching the road, a close shot shows Bob Lee's rifle bolt open, another shot shows it closed. When the order comes through to fire, Bob then loads the rifle.

  • Factual errors: The pick up truck that Swagger stole has PA plates on it front and back. In PA there is only one plate on the vehicle, not two.

  • Continuity: When Memphis is taken away in the van you can see he drops his phone in the middle of the sidewalk, in the next shot when the van is driving away it is on the curb.

  • Errors in geography: Camp Lemonier is in Djibouti, not Ethiopia.

  • Continuity: When Memphis is in the computer room checking the VIN that Sarah gave him, he picks up the photo and begins to type in a string of numbers on the number pad. When the shot changes to the computer monitor the VIN being entered has no numbers it only shows LFMY. However the complete VIN of LFMYU70E4YUA65879 is already displayed in a grayed out window to the left.

  • Continuity: In the beginning, Donnie spots a target referred to as "Jefe" and Swagger shoots the target in the head, killing him instantly. In the next scene the same target is clearly alive and kicking. You'll recognize the white scarf.

  • Continuity: In the scene where Swagger advises Payne not to call his dog, you can see that there is no license plate on the front of the vehicle, however when Swagger comes out and takes a photo with his cell phone, it is magically there.

  • Factual errors: The Medal of Honor comes in a wooden box, not a standard vinyl medal box.

  • Continuity: In the scene where Sarah fixes Swagger's bandage at the kitchen table, in the first several frames her front hair is held back by a clip, but suddenly the clip disappears and her hair is simply back behind her ears in the rest of the scene.

  • Factual errors: When Bob Lee is shooting at the helicopter with the Barret M95 it is clear that he's firing blanks since there is low recoil.

  • Errors in geography: When they are in Lynchburg, Virginia; we see mountains that are not located in Virginia.

  • Errors in geography: The pipeline shown at the beginning of the movie clearly shows "head pipes" on the support structures on either side of the pipeline. These prevent permafrost from melting from the frictional heating of flowing oil. Permafrost heaving is not a major concern of Ethiopian pipeline builders.

  • Errors in geography: When the Crown Vic is backed into the river, various camera angles show a very flat topography which is consistent with Philadelphia. After the car is in the river, the first shot back toward the bridge clearly shows tall mountains in the background. No such mountains exist near Philadelphia.

  • Errors in geography: While Swagger is in Baltimore he walks down the steps of Federal Hill. He enters a taxi cab on Battery Avenue that drives towards the Inner Harbor. Battery Avenue is a "one-way" street that goes in the opposite direction (away from the harbor).

  • Continuity: The first shot Swagger makes, kills an enemy standing in the back of a truck. The man falls into the back of the truck. In the next shot, when the truck falls over, the dead man in the back suddenly disappeared.

  • Errors in geography: When Swagger approaches the pickup he is about to steal, a large cable-stayed bridge is visible in the background. No such bridge is located anywhere near Philadelphia.

  • Continuity: When Swagger is being chased by the cops, all of the cars chasing him have both front and rear plates to identify them. However when he goes down a hill and two cop cars are following him, the second car has a plate with a number on the front, the first car has a blank plate. The car would have a number on the front to identify the car, not just a blank plate.

  • Factual errors: The car Swagger drives in the Chase scene has PA plates but with tag numbers in the style 9999 AAA. Pennsylvania plate numbers have three letters followed by four numbers, not vice versa.

  • Revealing mistakes: In the bathroom scene where Swagger creates the makeshift IV, you can clearly see the areas where make-up was used to cover Wahlberg's tattoos, one on each arm and around his neck.

  • Continuity: As Nick Memphis is leaving the meeting with Sarah, he is shown putting on his suit coat twice.

  • Errors in geography: When Swagger is being chased by police in the stolen FBI vehicle he makes a right off Front St. onto Girard Avenue heading south. When he glances in his rear view mirror, a McDonalds can be seen through the windshield in front of him. That McDonalds would only have been visible if he made a left onto Girard heading north.

  • Factual errors: In the Pennsylvania scenes NO vehicles portrayed in the movie have the required Vehicle Inspection or Emission stickers on the lower left outside of the windshield.

  • Continuity: Mountaintop scene where the supposed exchange is about to happen: the blue helicopter's rotor is alternately rotating / not rotating between shots.

  • Factual errors: At the mountaintop exchange scene, not one of the actors seems to be effected by the considerable down-force caused by the still spinning rotor blades of the helicopter as they get out of it. Even Fenn's shoulder-length hair moves only slightly and the snow beneath their feet seems completely unperturbed by the wind caused by the helicopter. A helicopter touching down in a snowy location would cause a small blizzard and anyone getting out would at the very least be hunkered down and making some attempt to cover themselves from the wind and snow, rather than casually strolling along.

  • Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Fenn fires the senator's sidearm on the mountaintop, only 3 rounds are fired before the gun clicks empty and the slides goes back, meaning that either the senator had been busy with his gun earlier or he's in the habit of carrying around a barely loaded weapon.

  • Factual errors: As Colonel Johnson leaves the Department of Justice conference room near the end of the movie, there is a US flag and a Washington, DC city flag (white with 3 red stars and 2 red stripes - based on the coat of arms of George Washington's family) in the hall. A Federal office building would not display the Washington, DC flag, only the American flag (and perhaps a Department of Justice flag).

  • Factual errors: Swagger is referred to as being a "retired" Marine Sniper. In order to be retired, you must have 20 years of service in. He may have been Honorably Discharged, but is doubtfully "retired".

  • Factual errors: In the opening scene with Swagger and Donny covering the mercenaries' retreat, the uniform Swagger is wearing under his ghillie suit is an Army Combat Uniform. The Marine Corps has it's own digital camouflage pattern, and since Swagger is a Marine, he wouldn't wear an Army uniform.

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