Sunday, April 27, 2008


Factual errors: The movie takes place in 2008, as seen when the killer types the death dates of his victims. However, early in the film, after an Internet thief is captured, Jennifer Marsh says "Sunday is his father's birthday". She is referring to January 10, which was a Thursday in 2008.

  • Factual errors: One of the victim's lifespan is seen to have been June 14, 1955 to January 15, 2008. It is said that he is 55 years old, although in reality he would have been 52.

  • Revealing mistakes: When Jennifer walks in on her daughter playing the horse computer game, you can see that it is been played via a PC, then in a quick shot of the computer screen, you can see that the game is in fact a Play Station game because of the types of buttons which appear on the screen.

Factual errors: SPOILER: At the end of the movie when they show the website, the posts on the website are entered as being posted >1 minute, when they should be <1 minute since they were just posted seconds ago.

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